Team Leadership Development

Train the trainer

Why focus on the team?

The business world has fundamentally changed over the last 10 years as the basic rules for conducting business have changed. The skills and tools you use and have learned as a leader are still useful, and are even essential – but are insufficient in the world we now face.
The element that drives success in any organization is the team. Teams form, dissolve and reform in an ever increasing pace.
Matrix organizations are run with horizontal and vertical implications.
Teams staffed with people who work in close proximity are increasingly virtual, network-based, generational, regional, diverse and dynamic. Your company’s success is linked to how well your teams are headed. The strongest leadership model we have from yesterday’s post-industrial world is the “issue orders and check” model – the military leadership style running a well-oiled machine. To be sure, successful businesses are still often referred to with traditional imagery as being run like “well-oiled machines”, albeit less often in today’s world.


Leaders need more highly developed team leadership skills to create success in today’s world. Power now lies with and within the teams, not the individuals. This is why we are investing heavily in developing the ability to lead teams.

Our promise

Leaders need more highly developed team leadership skills to create success in today’s world. Power now lies with and within the teams, not the individuals. This is why we are investing heavily in developing the ability to lead teams.

Our offer

Developing new team leadership skills is not accomplished by studying theory. As with all other kinds of learning – cycling, skiing, navigating the chaos of the financial world – the only way to learn is through hands-on action. We learn through experience ¬ and this takes some time. Our offer is therefore a “learning journey” for leaders, with real-world application, over a six-month period.
Contact us for more information on our Team Leadership Program where we train the trainer and provide you with extended coaching leadership skills.